Homeless in Arizona

Libertarians are to blame for Kyrsten Sinema

  Don't blame the Libertarians who voted for the right person. Blame the Republicans and Democrats who voted for the lessor of the two evils instead of voting for the Libertarian that would set them free.


November 23, 2012


Libertarians are to blame

Nov. 23, 2012 12:00 AM

A note to the more than 14,000 Libertarian voters in both Congressional Districts 1 and 9 who effectively elected Ann Kirkpatrick (CD 1) and Kyrsten Sinema (CD 9). Sometimes pragmatism is a better path than idealism.

By rejecting Republican candidates who would probably support 75 percent or more of what you believe in, you now have congressional representatives who will probably support zero percent of what you believe in. The saying "A half a loaf is better than none" comes to mind.

Gerard Smorowski

Homeless in Arizona

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